Category: Sailing

Arrived Well

So I managed the first step by arriving well at the Marina Lanzarote. The plan is to leave from here on Wednesday, if the weather allows that. Long:-13.5392 Lat:28.96222   [...]

Airport Stuttgart

So I made it on time to the airport Stuttgart. Unfortunately my luggage got an extra check and I had to send some diesel engine cleaning stuff back due to some acid reasons. Annoying. But now it’s time to say good time to Germany. But also good bye to good internet connection. Long:9.193726 Lat:48.689820 [...]

Leaving Munich

It is super late at night and I am in a fast train from Munich to Stuttgart. Finally my little adventure starts. The latest reports says that the sailing weather is not so awesome at the moment. But since the last crew member, Rüdiger, will join on Tuesday, we’ll have some time to wait for [...]

My Home For 6 Weeks

This will be me home for the next six weeks. 11.5 meters to cross the Atlantic. In nine days the journey will start and I cannot wait for it! The little room after the salon will be my place. [...]

Atlantic Rally for Cruisers

Yesterday was the start of the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers Plus (ARC+,, which started in Las Palmas and goes via the Cap Verdes to Saint Lucia. In two weeks is the start of the ‘normal’ ARC, which goes directly from Las Palmas to Saint Lucia. Both rallies have together about 200 boats, which will [...]

Radio Certificate

For the upcoming sailing trip I decided to get one more certificate, which I did not take yet. For several reasons I think the radio certificate has an important role on such a trip. You have to know, that on the open sea the only communication might be the radio. Your mobile is useless without [...]

One Month Left

The countdown says 37 days by now and I cannot wait to start the journey. In German we say “Vorfreude ist die schönste Freude”, which means something like anticipation is the highest form of joy. Therefore I am trying to get everything ready as soon as possible. One big questions were the medical preparation. Assume [...]

Beneteau “Lucky”

With this pretty “Lucky” I’ll do my crossing. Flights are booked by now and I can’t wait to start the journey. [...]

Trade Winds

As a preparation for my upcoming trip I wanna post once in a while a more detailed article about a specific topic. I want to start with the winds, since there have the biggest impact on the whole trip. The wind actually decides when we go and where we go. The following explanation of the [...]

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